Strona: Application procedures / The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics

Application procedures

The requirements towards foreigners intending to apply for BSc and MSc studies

BSc studies

Candidates undertaking the studies:

  • go through the recruitment proceedings,
  • are obliged to register in the online university system (SIR) and submit the required documents within the deadline.

 The Inter-faculty Recruitment Committee will determine the rules for converting grades from the subjects taken into account while the recruitment. A candidate is accepted only after fulfilling all the criteria.

 The documents to be provided:

1. The personal data form (PODANIE SIR) printed from the Internet Recruitment System and signed by the candidate.

An original secondary school certificate with an apostille or authenticated by a notary, together with its translation confirmed by a sworn translator or the consul of the Republic of Poland in the country where it was issued or any other document received abroad entitled to apply for studies.

2. In the case of a secondary school certificate which according to the law in effect is subjected to acknowledgment – a written decision of a superintendent of schools relevant to the place of a candidate’s dwelling. If it is out of the territory of the Republic of Poland – a superintendent of schools relevant to the main office of the university which the candidate applies to (regulated by the Ministry of National Education’s decree as of 25th March 2015 about recognition of certificates issued abroad). 

Recognition of foreign school certificates:

3. A photo uploaded in PODANIE SIR.

4. A passport (for review).

5. A visa, residence card, or any other document allowing for a stay in Poland.

6. A medical certificate.

7. An insurance policy covering accident insurance and reimbursement of medical expenses.

8.  [ Studies in Polish]  A document confirming Polish language knowledge level B2 (a certificate of completing a one-year preparatory course). 

   [ Studies in English]  A document confirming English language knowledge level B2. 

9. A declaration of an exemption from fees for education (if applicable).

10. A declaration of the validity of the provided data.

Candidates submit the documents in person to the Inter-faculty Recruitment Committee within the deadline determined in the recruitment schedule.

MSc studies

Candidates undertaking the studies:
  • go through the recruitment proceedings applicable to the respective field of study,
  • are obliged to register in the online university system (SIR) and submit the required documents within the deadline.

 The Inter-faculty Recruitment Committee will determine the final number of points taken into account while the recruitment. A candidate is accepted only after fulfilling all the criteria.

 The documents to be provided:

1. The personal data form (PODANIE SIR) printed from the Internet Recruitment System and signed by the candidate. 

2. An original BSc diploma with an apostille or authenticated by a notary, together with its translation confirmed by a sworn translator or the consul of the Republic of Poland in the country where it was issued or any other document received abroad entitling to apply to for MSc studies.

In the case of a diploma which according to the law in effect is subjected to nostrification – a written decision of the respective body. The nostrification process is regulated by the decree of the Minister of Science and Higher Education as of 19th August 2015.

3. A photo uploaded in PODANIE SIR.

4. A passport (for review).

5. A visa, residence card or any other document allowing for a stay in Poland,

6. A medical certificate.

7. An insurance policy covering accident insurance and reimbursement of medical expenses.

8.  [ Studies in Polish]  A document confirming Polish language knowledge level B2 (a certificate of completing a one-year preparatory course). 

   [ Studies in English]  A document confirming English language knowledge level B2. 

9. A declaration of an exemption from fees for education (if applicable).

10. A declaration of the validity of the provided data.

Candidates submit the documents in person to the Inter-faculty Recruitment Committee within the deadline determined in the recruitment schedule.

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